Saturday, May 30


I have just emerged from an episode of depression caused by weather the past three days. I would be biking or climbing trees but my brother stole my bike. And the tree bark is still a little wet from yesterday. So it's a good time to blog.

Well...still doing nothing these days, though I did start studying for MCATs along with the usual flute playing and soccer ball juggling. Recently, I found out that Season 5 of The Office just ended and this is a great opportunity to watch every single Office episode. I torrented the first three seasons and am currently in the middle of watching the second season. I can't believe I hadn't been watching this from the beginning. I've also been watching 30 Rock, which is really funny.

I did start my philosophy class on Wednesday. Some interesting questions were posed, but not answered. Yesterday, we began reading the Euthyphro dialogue, which is this conversation between Euthyphro and Socrates as written by the philosopher Plato a really long time ago. It discusses the nature of piety and impiety, attempting to go beyond the dogma of the age (this is ancient Greece, where they followed to gods of greek mythology). Euthyphro is a priest who believes he knows the exact nature of piety and is therefore justified in prosecuting his father against a particular crime. Socrates, however, attempts to force Euthyphro to question his beliefs about piety by refuting every definition and investigating it with logic.

Socrates is often described as a gadfly, since he is generally annoying and always posing upsetting questions. I like him, however, because he was the voice of reason in a world where there was nothing else but blind faith. He would be pretty useful today too. I'm sure more interesting problems like these will come up in the future and I will share them with you.

But! I almost forgot to mention that we went to watch the movie Up yesterday on opening day. It was, of course, good (made by Pixar) so you should also watch it.