Saturday, February 28

Happy State Patty's!

Penn State smashed last year's THON record by raising $7,490,133.87 to support Pediatric Cancer. Now THAT is pretty amazing. Heres a good picture of what happens at THON:

I've been trying to study as much as possible so that I can have a relatively enjoyable Spring break that doesn't involve cramming for the two exams I have to take when I return to Penn State. This is why my blogging has been sucking. But I finished an entire Physio chapter today, so I will take a break and go gamble at the HUB in a few minutes.

Yesterday, I learned how to do the West Coast Swing at the White Building. I should attend more of the late night dance events. West Coast Swing is another partner dance (like the ones we learn in Ballroom class) and this is one that you can do practically to any type of 4/4 music. Unfortunately, neither Shivam nor Jon like doing it so I'm considering learning how to do the guy's part so I can practice with my female friends. Doing the West Coast Swing is so much's almost like moonwalking the entire time.

Speaking of dance, we are learning how to do the Quick Step in Ballroom class and that is also loads of fun. It involves linking up with a guy and traversing the entire room with great steps. If I ever get to take a video of us dancing, I will put it up here.

On Wednesday, I ran three miles. My quads were sore for three days. This shows how out of shape I am. I think I'll stick to ballroom dance.

I'm going to the HUB now to play pool or poker or something. And Happy State Patty's Day! State Patty's is the Penn State students' desperate attempt to move St. Patrick's day to a day before Spring Break, so they can have another excuse to drink and party before everyone's gone.


Anonymous said...

Haha, too bad not many of your female friends like West Coast Swing either. Let's just stick to cha-cha and quickstep. :)

Also, I think it's time for another post. There are lots of exciting things that happened the last week before break that you should update people about.

Sowmya said...

Relax. I'm on it.