Saturday, February 21

THON is here

It's THON weekend! How exciting!

What is THON?
"The Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, affectionately referred to as THON, is a yearlong effort to raise funds and awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer. Since 1977, THON has raised more than $52 million for The Four Diamonds Fund at Penn State Children's Hospital."

So, THON is the world's largest student run philanthropy. I'm not dancing this year (though I hope to next year). Essentially, as a THON participator, you dance for 48 hours nonstop. Very exciting stuff. Yeah,'re saying I'd never be up for it...but let me remind you! I once swam in Walden Pond in the middle of the winter! When there was snow on the beach! And I did it for the global warming protest! As well as extra credit points! Chyeaaa.

Remember this?

So anyway, I'm going to the BJC later today after dance practice to support the peeps and donate money.

I can play songs on the flute now, as many people who have been forced to listen will confirm. They're not very good, but I can manage it since I am experienced in playing by ear.

Since invitations are already out, I can finally give you the scoop about Prog Formal. It's going to be held on March 21st at the Ramada. Malinda took up the task of organizing it, so naturally we also have to help out. We have a Casino theme for the party (possibly influenced by our addiction to gambling...? Who knows) and preparations are underway.


Okami Moon said...

lol. you know you only went into the freezing cold water because of the extra credit...

Sowmya said...

and because I care about the environment.

Okami Moon said...

that's a lie.