Friday, October 17

The peak of madness.

I've successfully weaned myself off caffeine during all-nighters. Back in high school, I drank coffee and that made me feel like complete crap come morning time. Then I drank soda though I hate carbonation. But I don't need it anymore! I'm getting better and better at this all-night procrastinating staying up thing.
Well anyway, I've been writing my Chemistry 113 Lab Report which is now about 14 pages long. And it's not even double spaced! But as usual, I have no right to complain because I should have started it 2 and a half weeks ago. And it's not like I've been working on it all night. Most of this night was spent on youtube, actually, watching Telugu movies and listening to Rahman's new album Yuvvraj, which is not spectacular, but worth a listen.

Here are some exciting things that happened last weekend during the ochem studying.

I really ought to take a nap right now, but I'm just scared I won't wake up.

So, the dreaded Wednesday finally passed. I had both a Chem 112 exam and a Chem 210 exam, both of which actually didn't end catastrophically. If you have time, you should definitely read through the comments on the Chem 210 website here (click on Feedback). people at Penn State are incredibly mature. Check back regularly for the exam results...which should be pretty epic considering that the last exam's average was a record low in the history of the class (56.7%). Chem 210 is organic by the way. My ultimate goal is to get an A in that class WITHOUT the curve, which doesn't seem like much of a challenge anymore. Oh, I love Penn State :D.

I'm going to stop typing because I really ought to go back and proofread my lab. But have some more pictures.


Jesse said...

I kind of want one of those molecule sets just so I can make random atoms/sculptures...

Anonymous said...

dear sowmya,
i am commenting on your blog.
love, ramya
ps- thanks for crediting your photo source.

Okami Moon said...

why do you get nice weather?

Okami Moon said...


P.S. this is the last comment i'm leaving.