Saturday, September 20


Chemistry has taken over.

All of last weekend was spent devoted to Organic Chemistry in order to prepare for my first OChem midterm. My entire grade for Chemistry 210 is determined by four exams. Seriously. So these are a big deal. Fortunately, it went pretty well and we progs managed to completely beast the class average (a 56.7%). The exam was quite an experience. As you tried to concentrate on the problem, there would be the constant background sound of popping as people fiddled with their organic model kits, coughing, sneezing, groaning, and the occasional crash+bounce as someone dropped their model kit on the floor and atoms would bounce and roll in all directions. It's fun to watch, except when it's your atoms that are on the floor.

But after that midterm was done, I had to start studying for my Gen Chem midterm, which was on Wednesday. This one I actually had to take at a testing lab, which is srs business. It's this crazy lab with rows and rows of computers, security cameras, and all sorts of freaky stuff to make sure you don't cheat. The test was on a computer.

Oh! Also, I kept dropping my phone all last week, so now the battery is screwed up and the phone keeps turning off at random times. Plus, my 2 year contract is done, so I get to get a new phone. How exciting!

Aaand...that's the scoop for this week.

I don't think I'll be attending the next Chem lecture. *Sigh*

1 comment:

Okami Moon said...

hahaha. you have intense midterms.