Thursday, December 17


I am so happy right now, I can blog!

In less than six hours, I will have finished my last final exam of the semester! But the reason why I am so happy is because this week was supposed to terrible, but I pwned it! I will explain.

I basically had the worst final schedules ever: 4 exams at 8 AM from Monday to Thursday and then another one on Tuesday afternoon. I was angry about this. And then a few days ago, I contracted a head cold after having one less than two weeks ago. Damn cold virus (I had actually just read about how it's impossible to find a cure for the cold while I was studying Immunology...funny how things work). I showed up at my 8AM Immunology exam in stupid Keller building (located all the way on the other side of campus) with a headache and blocked sinuses. After that was done I really wanted to just go to sleep, but of course, I had to tutor physics 250 for two hours. It was raining. I walked to McLanahan's to buy medicine and Vanilla Chai only to find that they were all out of Vanilla Chai. By the time I got back to my room, my shoes were soaked. It was basically a terrible morning. After sleeping for about 4 hours, I had to get up and start studying for math and physics.

The next day, I attended my math exam at 8 AM, which seemed to go fine except for this one problem which resulted in factoring of this equation. Calculators were not allowed and I did not know that 92 was divisible by 4 (come on, it was 8 in the morning). I fell asleep after that test but then had to yank myself out of bed to take my physics exam at 4:40. Everything was going fine during physics until I dropped my calculator on the floor. It stopped working. As you already know, I can't do mental math! Everything was going terribly. I was sleep deprived and sitting before a physics final exam with sniffles and a broken calculator.

And then, like a switch was flipped, everything got better! My left sinus cleared up. The annoying song that was stuck in my head finally went away. And then with five minutes left, my calculator turned on! I finished the rest of my physics test and bounded out the door. The next morning, I had Astronomy. And it was so cool because my Professor gave me a gift!! It's this digital sky viewing software and she gave it to me for answering all her challenge questions! How cool is that! Dr. Kregenow is a G.

I watched Animal Planet for a few hours, went to sleep, and woke up at 1 AM (today). It was clear that I had been severely sleep deprived thanks to final exams and congestion. And then I saw that I got an A in physics and immunology! I feel so much better now, even though I still have another test to take.

And just now, I found out that I can breathe normally again! This is so great

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