Tuesday, December 8


Believe it or not, I have like THREE drafts for a new blog post but I couldn't find something engaging enough to write about. Therefore, I have decided to stop caring. Hear me pine:

I have diagnosed myself with senioritis. As I sit in Atherton computer lab with my Immunology textbook before me, sipping Wild Cherry Pepsi (non-coffee source of caffeine), kicking myself for not starting to study sooner, hoping that I can be reborn as a sea sponge, I have never felt so in need of a long break. I am also tutoring my psuknowhow students several hours a day, but that's to be expected since it's finals week. I think I'm going to know physics 250 better than I know my own subjects :P

There are gifts to be bought.
TV shows to be caught up on.
Cookies to be baked. Er, burned.
Snow angels to be made.
Christmas parties to be attended.
Time to be wasted.

I'm going to New York City for New Years (!) but having to wait until the semester ends is becoming more and more difficult. I don't think I'll make it.



Sharon said...

whoot nyc! and cash! haha xD

i'm getting end-of-semester-ritis :(

Nipunn said...

Wild Cherry Pepsi is the greatest
There's always a 12 pack in our fridge.

It will save you from many bad things