Sunday, September 11

The Last Summer

For your reading benefit, I have linked here to all the posts about stuff from this summer. As always, thanks for reading, and I always enjoy reading comments.

Part 1: Chennai, beautiful temples, and the sad fact that I still don't know any Tamil 
Part 2: more temples, beaches, and...kittens
Part 3: Hyderabad! How I almost met the Chief Minister (not really)
Part 4
Part 5
Acadia National Park: Part 1 Part 2

Summer vacation defines childhood. It is among the few things that make childhood an almost pleasant stage of life, such as Happy Meals, Moon Bounces, and hairlessness. But eventually, the time comes when we must bid farewell to this most beautiful of childhood privileges. I too am now savoring the last few days of summer as I will probably never again have such an extended break until, like, retirement.

I spent my summer at home in Bedford, and though I missed my school friends in Philly, I had a marvelous time here. The moment I returned from Philadelphia at the beginning of the summer, my dad, brother and I escaped to  India for three weeks. I spent the six weeks following that working at an Biomechanics lab at MGH, playing the guitar, seeing family and friends, and discovering ever greater ways to waste time. The most wonderful thing about home is that it barely changes. Of course I hate to say goodbye to all of this again, but I certainly am looking forward to my 2nd year at Jefferson, the new things I'll learn, and the people I will meet.

1 comment:

Aleksandra Wądołowska said...