Wednesday, January 21

FINALLY! A new post.

Click here to read about The India Trip
(It has a separate blog)


Hi friends. I have just returned from the amazing, beautiful, crazy, delicious, excellent, fantastic, good...(what else begins with g?) place that is the motherland, India, and I have so much to tell you that I think I might explode. As I type this, I am sitting at Logan airport with the first amount of free time since before finals last semester.

First, an apology is in order: I made a false promise to blog often during my trip, but I managed to make just one measly post on the third or fourth day while I was in my tour car in the middle of downtown Delhi. Sorry. But you will be happy for me to know that it was only because I was busy doing very fun things! But no worries, because I will give you a blow by blow account of everything! I will, of course, have to do it in a series of posts. I hope you are ready for this.